Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Hot Toddy

Cough mixture and tablets, do cure colds, but nothing makes you feel better than an old fashioned "Hot Toddy".

Discovered centuries ago, the word derrivates from the Hindu word "tari", which is used for a sweet alcoholic drink made of palm sap. The word travelled to Scotland, where Robert Burns makes use of it in a poem and changes the meaning to a generic alcoholic drink.

Nowadays the word is used to describe a hot, sweetened drink of spirits and water.


  • 3 and a half tablespoons of a strong alcohol like:-

  • Whisky
  • Bourbon
  • Dark Rum
  • Brandy

  • 3 and a half tablespoons of boling water
  • Half a teaspoon of honey
  • A dash of lemon (and cloves if desired)


Drink it slowly and allow it to take effect. Hot toddys should be drunk hot, and letting the drink to go cold will defeat the purpose of it (it also doesn't taste good cold). Ensure that the mug you use insulates heat well and will allow the drink to stay hot.

There are no grand medical claims attached to this recipe. And it is not proven to cure your cold, indeed alcohol can deplete your immune system, but a hot toddy will make you feel better!

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