Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Art of Letter Writing

Are modern conveniences that convenient? My phone recently broke, and I was stranded for two days with no link to the outside world besides my laptop. I realised that my phone had come to own me more than I own it. This sad realisation made me see that as a society we have become slaves to our possesions, the convenience and instant gratification of modern gadgets make them a common choice when one needs to reach out to another person, but are they really the best form of communication?

As Phyllis Theroux once said "To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart". Modern forms of correspondence I believe lacks the sentimental touch that a letter posseses. The anticipation of the arrival, makes the recieving of one all the more enjoyable.

Sadly though this form of contact has been lost through the ages, and replaced by fancier, faster means of mail that leave no room for mystery or suspence, perhaps this is why we are so unable to exercise patience.

I believe that if people took more time to write letters to the ones they loved, they would discover the simple joy it can bring and ability it has to combine solitude with good company. So the next time you want to get in touch with someone, try writing them a letter.

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